Tag Archives: Baby

Four months!

23 Oct

 Zoey’s been trying to stand up a lot lately.

She’s growing so fast.. she’s almost too big for her Moses Basket!

I caught her smilin’ in her sleep..

Three months!

26 Sep

Whenever we give an update about Zoey I feel like we always say she is just getting so big and the time’s going by so fast.. but it’s so true!  She’s three months this week and we can’t believe it.  These are some new things she has been doing lately..  She tries to talk to us with little “coos” – She sits and stares at the colors while we read books – She tries to grab at her toys and inch towards them – She rolls over – (Actually she only has three times.. but it’s a start!) – She can hold her head up while sitting up – She makes silly faces and funny noises with her tongue – And she puts herself to sleep by sucking on her thumb.  Luckily for us she sleeps almost 6 hours straight every night!

Trying to grab her toy..

Holding her head up while sitting up..

Sucking her thumb..

Making silly faces with her tongue..

Two Months!

22 Aug

Zoey is finally two months old! Wooooooohoo! We can’t believe how quickly these two months have gone by.  She’s already outgrown her newborn clothes and has started to be on a normal sleep schedule..  She only wakes up one or two times a night now and instead of sleeping all day she spends her time playing under her jungle mat or snuggling with whoever picks her up.  Recently she has become fascinated with the ceiling fan and looking at herself in mirrors.  

This is literally what she is like for the first three hours when she wakes up everday.. How did we have a baby that’s a morning person?!

We lost our camera again..

13 Aug

..so some cellphone pictures are going to have to do!  These are a few of my favorites since Zoey’s been born.

July 22, 2010 means..

22 Jul

Zoey’s 1 month old!  It seems only yesterday when we took her home from the hospital.  She’s already so strong – holding her head up longer and kickin’ her legs like crazy.  She’s the sweetest little thing and we love her so much.