Tag Archives: Easter


25 Apr

Easter Eggs

25 Apr

Last Thursday we all went to Nona’s house to color eggs.

Zoey preferred to play instead of coloring..

Between Easter and Zoey

27 Jun

We recently moved into the house I grew up in at 15 Beardsley St. Its in a quiet neighborhood on the east end of Auburn.  Only a couple blocks between the elementary and middle schools, Hoopes Park and the newest gramma in the Clay family Nicki! [though I think she goes by Nana] I think it’s pretty cool that my grandparents built this house and raised my mom in it, then my sister and I grew up here, followed by my sister who got married and started her family in this house and now Meg and I are fortunate enough to be living here and starting our own memories.  It’s kind of the “Starter House” for new families. However….. we’ve  accumulated so many new things for the baby that the once small pile of baby clothes and toys turned into a larger pile, then into a huge pile, then eventually took over most of the upstairs.  Among other things our camera fell victim to the nonstop flood of babylongings, not to be seen for months.. But we finally found it just in time!!

Here is a few quick pictures to catch you back up..

We went to the Rosamond Gifford Zoo with Julie, Olivia and Lucas.


Moments after we took this picture the bird above Megs head pooed on Julie!

Kissing penguins.



Someone has a case of the Mondays! HA

I compromised with Meg. She can get a kitten if I can get a monkey.

The zoo tired some of us right out!

Then it was Easter! So we colored easter eggs with the very camera shy Tierneys, Shaws and Diegos.


We think Olive figured out that if you broke an egg you got to eat it?



Humpty Dumpty!

Putting some of that art school knowledge to use.

The final product of all our hard work! 

Then after three months we finally found our camera in a bag of baby clothes, just in time for our first summer cook out!

Jules came over with Olive and Lucas, Brittney and Kevin brought their son Brayden and Justin and Monique  [who’s due in September] brought their son Sam.

Justin and Sam playing Kan Jam.

Meg and Kevin showing off the babies.  Lucas and Brayden were born on the same day!

Apparently Sam was pretty hungry!

Lucas and Aunt Meg enjoying some corn on the cob.